Amigo XL Bug Rug

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US $124.79
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Designed to protect your horse from irritating bugs and insets, Horseware’s Amigo XL Bug Rug Fly Sheet was specially designed to fit larger horses with a broader, deeper build. Lightweight and breathable, the micro-perforated polyester mesh fabric is soft, absorbent, and UV-blocking.  The removable neck cover offers flexibility, while the convenient Disc Front Closer allows for quick and easy adjustments.


Designed for horses with a larger, broader build

Breathable, soft, absorbent

Knitted Polyester Fabric

Removable neck

Disc Front Closure

Lined shoulders and neck to prevent rubs

65% UV Protection

Front Leg Arches

Wipe clean tail cord

Oversized tail flap

Low cross surcingles